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Helena Løvendal Psychotherapy and Coaching for Individuals & Couples.
Specialist Training & Supervision for professionals.

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Psychosexual Therapy & Education: a revolutionary approach to systemic body-orientated depth-psychology & sexual therapy

CPD days and Introductory events

"Over the last 8 years I have had the privilege of witnessing Helena work, both as a course participant and a student in her Creative couples course. I experience her as a very knowledgeable, empathic and kind person. She has the ability to say how it is and then when required to hold and support. My interactions and experiences with her have changed my life for the better and given me a different prospective on life. Thank you Helena."
Keith Elgin

Beyond Oedipus: a new approach to working with psychosexual & relational issues in everyday practice.

Power without love is destructive to others;
Love without power is destructive to your self.

As therapists we recognise children’s need for mirroring in order to internalise healthy self-concepts. Less known, however, is our need to have our sexual and erotic nature mirrored, appropriate to our age and developmental phase.

How can therapists provide repair in this area and promote the natural development of the individual’s full being as a sexual, relational man or woman? How can we meaningfully respond to sexual difficulties, including secrecy and lack of desire in a culture where over-excitement masks, shame and ignorance of sexuality’s authentic depth?

NEW! Sexual Grounding Therapy©
Introductory weekend 15 -17 November 2019.

These workshops provide participants with an experiential introduction to Sexual Grounding Therapy© together with an outline of the underlying theory and the opportunity to ask questions about the work.

£200 + accommodation (There is some accommodation available on site and other options available locally. Please ask for details at the time of making your booking).
15th - 17th November 2019
6.30 - 9.30 Friday evening,
10.00 - 6.00 Saturday,
10.00 - 1.00 Sunday

Trealy Farm
Mitchel Troy,
NP25 4BL

"An incredible couple of days, beautifully led and supported by Helena and Geoff, allowing a safe space to dive into the unknown."

"Helena and Geoff's sheer compassion, years of experience and breadth of skill were immediately evident I'll be recommending to colleagues"

"Powerful and profound work. The space was held skilfully by Geoff and Helena. I learnt a lot about male and female polarities and energies."

A transformational new bodywork approach to sex and love for private enrichment and professional depth, based on sound theory for effective understanding and practice, relevant for counsellors, psychotherapists, body practitoners, GP’s, teachers, trainers and educators.

This programme will benefit you if:

You want to create, maintain and develop fulfilling and lasting sexual relationships

• You’re interested in rediscovering the innocence, excitement, curiosity and regulation of your sexual energy and expression

• You’d like to feel affirmed as the wonderful sexual being that you are

The focus of this challenging and innovative work starts with the Oedipal stage of development (between 4 and 6) and the series of 8 week-long modules, divided into two groups of 4 (Coursework 1 and Coursework 2), takes participants from this stage until their death. Because we’re starting at the Oedipal stage, Helena and I would see this work as most suitable for those who already have some therapeutic experience during which they have had the opportunity to explore earlier issues.

Although you may still read references to ‘training’ on some websites and the staff who lead the coursework are referred to as ‘trainers’, the purpose of the coursework is personal development rather than professional training and we welcome both professional and non-professional participants. Nevertheless, we have found that professionals in the field of personal growth, together with others whose work may involve relationships and sexuality, gain profound insights, which can greatly enhance their everyday practice.

Participants who complete Courseworks 1 and 2 and who are licensed to practice as psychotherapists in their country of residence are eligible to apply for training as Sexual Grounding Therapists.

What is Sexual Grounding Therapy©?

Sexual Grounding Therapy© is a powerful form of psychological self-development rooted in experiential body-psychotherapy which takes place in a group format. It was developed, in the early 1990s, by the Dutch developmental psychologist and body-psychotherapist Willem Poppeliers. It represents an innovative approach to systemic, body-oriented depth psychology and psychosexual therapy. Sexual Grounding Therapy offers something that is missing from many psychotherapeutic methods in that it focuses explicitly, directly, but at the same time sensitively on the myriad of problematic issues, which surround sexuality and relationships.

Poppeliers follows Freud in considering the primal life force to be sexual, but goes beyond Freud’s original pioneering work by exploring how sexual energy manifests itself during the whole of a person's lifetime. In particular, Sexual Grounding Therapy© provides a framework for exploring how being born into the world of our parents relationship, with all their human frailties, and into our cultural context can affect the natural flow of our energy. Willem Poppeliers’ work offers us a way to regain our healthy sexual functioning, based on his model of psychosexual development and maturation, which spans the whole of our lives from birth to death.

Course Content

In Sexual Grounding Therapy© Willem Popelliers has developed exercises and therapeutic structures which enable participants to feel seen as the sexual beings they are and which give them a new experience of their sexual innocence, with full support from parents as models for male and female identity. This could be seen as process of sexual re-education, like re-learning the facts of life.

As far as Sexual Grounding is concerned, one of our most important tasks in life is learning to balance our masculine and feminine elements, which we inherit by virtue of being born from the union between a father and mother: our sources of life, gender, and sexuality. Sexual Grounding Therapy© helps participants to achieve freedom from inappropriate projections and life-scripts, to regulate and harmonise the inner and outer flow of their sexual energy, to place sexuality within the context of relationship, and to feel supported as sexual beings by their parents and ancestors.

In this way, we can develop a sexual life that is grounded in reality and passes on what has been learned to future generations. We can then begin to own our true human birthright; being rooted in our bodies, supported in our minds, and linked in a line of human care - supported in our sexual ground. This state could be said to resemble Carl Jung's concept of the "Inner Marriage" of masculinity and femininity, but in Sexual Grounding Therapy the results are to be experienced much more tangibly, in our bodies and in our relationships.

During the course, participants re-experience the natural progression of development; from girlhood to becoming a woman, from boyhood to becoming a man. In dynamic exercises they experience the importance of receiving supportive sexual mirroring, which helps them to feel seen as sexual beings. There will also be theoretical explanation from the staff team in order to put their experience into a cognitive context. Participants can therefore be said to acquire a ‘cellular’ knowledge, through body experience within a sophisticated theoretical framework.
For application form visit www.psychosexualtherapycentre.co.uk.

"Helena is a highly knowledgeable and skilled psychotherapy practitioner and trainer. It is her rare ability to work both in the moment and in precise detail with trainees, and clients, that adds so much value to her work.

"Helena has well formed foundations in her integrated theory and practice, and this gives her the capacity to be really generous in her clinical interventions with those she is training with. She always shows that her motivation to such high standards of intervention is her deep compassion for the difficult business of being human."

Andy Metcalf, Psychotherapist

Psychosexual Therapy & Education. quote

1st Sexual Grounding Therapy program in the UK!

Four in-depth residential weeks - starts in May 2020

Working with people therapeutically - especially couples - means working with them as sexual beings, with all their unfulfilled developmental needs, their longings to be met, as well as their difficulties with desire and self-expression. The informed professional has huge potential for supporting repair, regulation and guidance in this area. Learn how to meaningfully respond to difficulties in identity, sexuality and relationships.

15th - 22nd May 2020,
17th - 20th August 2020
6th - 13th December 2020
9th - 16th April 2021

All of these modules will start after lunch on the first day and finish after lunch on the last day.

Coursework Costs:
£3200 for all four modules i.e. £850 per module
(Early bird price £3000 i.e. £750 per module if paid by 28th February 2020) NB We can allow you to pay on a per module basis, but only on the basis that you commit to paying for all four modules come what may. We are, in any case, asking participants to commit to all four modules of the coursework as the modules build on each other and together complete specific developmental stages of our sexual and relational life.

Sub-group costs: In between each of the modules, participants are required to attend a process group, called a sub-group, whose purpose is to give them the opportunity to individually process the issues raised by the work in the preceding module (Whilst there will be opportunities in the coursework modules for some individual process work, it is also important for each participant to have this opportunity between the modules). The cost of this will be £145 per participant per group.

Gaunts House (Visit website for details)
Accommodation costs: £80 per person per night full board for a shared room with two people (If you're coming from a distance and want to stay the night before the module starts, this can be arranged with Gaunts House).

The programme presented is the result of more than two decades of dedicated application and research drawing on diverse tested sources into the areas of intimate relationship, sexuality and gender psychology.

Main trainers: Helena Løvendal & Geoff Lamb, co-founders of The UK Centre for Psychosexual Therapy & Education. with possibly other SGT colleaques

For further details and enquiries please contact me.

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