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Helena Løvendal Psychotherapy and Coaching for Individuals & Couples.
Specialist Training & Supervision for professionals.

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The Man-Woman Project

Integrative coaching, couple support, supervision
Man-woman seminars & trainings

The Man-Woman Project brings new insights into the opportunities and challenges facing men and women in today’s world as both sexes search for genuine gender liberation and fulfilling sexual and intimate relationships.

Any society or culture that says that one gender is better than the other, that the mind is more important than the body, that spirit and matter are in conflict with each other or that love and sex are two opposing forces, is eventually going to run into trouble.
Carl Jung

The Man-Woman Project:

Therapy for individual & couples
Professional development & training
Individual & group supervision
Women only personal & professional programs
Custom-made psychosexual training programmes

Home. hummingbird-1

Men are from Earth, Women are from Earth ~ Let’s enjoy it!

Sex and love are the most natural energies in life. We were all born from a sexual act. We all desire and need to love and be loved, emotionally and bodily, but the vulnerability that comes with intimacy is often expereinced as being due to faults in the partner. That’s why sex with a person you don’t really care about can be so much easier - if you don’t love them, they can’t hurt you too much.

The Man-Woman Project brings new insights into the opportunities and challenges facing men and women in today’s world as both sexes search for authentic self-expression, genuine gender liberation and fulfilling sexual and intimate relationships.

When body, heart and mind act as a unified whole within dignified men and women, contact with self and others becomes authentic and delivers potent new opportunities for sexual and sensual co-creative partnerships and vital families.

"I find you innovative in your approach, passionate and bold in your delivery. I’d describe your style as warm, compassionate and open and believe you to be thoughtful, challenging and supportive.

"You always seem very present and you can bite - which as a man in mixed group training has always felt important. All words - which mean that I have no hesitation in joining any program you run and always look forward to working with you when I do. Go coach!"

Richard Knight, Snr. Consultant and Director

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